Saturday, May 10, 2008

Google Payday

That is correct you have to be very carefull while ordering Google PayDay to avoide being cheated while ordering Google PayDay.

Ordering Google PayDay (google pay day)

The solution seems to be that you have to be very carefull while ordering Google Pay Day. Read carefully every line and uncheck the boxes that are not required. If you go for one click ordering you will end up paying a lot of monies to different companies. To hoax you they have put different check boxes (checked default) which allegadly enable them to collect membership fees from you for different programs during Google PayDay (google pay day)ordering process.

Bottm line is that while ordering Google PayDay, one has to be very carrefull and read each line in the Google PayDay marketing pitch page to avoid being conned. Happy ordering Google PayDay (google pay day).

Google Pay day Payment

Thy ask for a payment of $1.96 to pay for shipping of a cd, because their advertisement concerned making extra money at home and they said I needed the cd. Once you authorize the payment of $1.96, you may receive emails from other companies thanking for your membership. Don't know how many will start charge you for the membership.

Google Pay day look like grand scam to rip off money from you!

Is Google Pay day a Google pay program?

No, Google Pay day is not a payday program from goole. Google does not sponsor, endorse, and is no way affiliated with Google Pay Day. To say it simpley Google PAyDay has nothing to do with Google.